Recognize Bed Bugs and their Telltale Signs

Know where to look for bed bugs? This can be challenging since bed bugs generally do not remain in contact with human skin other than during the brief time that it takes them to get a blood meal. Usually less than 12 minutes at a time..

When purchasing any second-hand furniture that is upholstered—it’s best to select wood, plastic, or metal furniture. Then inspect the cracks and crevices to make sure that there are no signs of bed bugs before you buy it.

Check for bed bugs at hotels and refuse to stay in any room showing signs of bed bugs; ask to be moved to a room far away from the infested room.

Bag second-hand clothing immediately after purchase, then wash and dry the clothing at high temperatures before bringing it into the living space of your home.

Cut down on clutter in your house and don’t store items under beds so that bed bugs can be discovered more easily and treated sooner.

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